Since Dec. 14, 2012, not a day has gone by without missing, loving, grieving, recalling, imagining you, little Noah. If on that terrible day, an armed maniac hadn’t broken into your school in peaceful Sandy Hook, CT, killing everyone on sight, you would be 17.
You had just turned six.
Nothing has been the same since.
I just wish I never had to leave this comment. I just wish that day never ever happened.
I offer you what I can offer, a virtual hug, and my thoughts with you
Thank you, Sally! Hugs are always a comfort.
Such a cruel anniversary. I am holding you and your family— all of the families— in my heart. His memory is a blessing, and his loss is incomprehensible.
Sending love and support from afar,
Thank you, Melina. Yes, as I was writing the post, I thought of all the families who will mark the same awful day tomorrow and I wept.
Sending my warmest most heartfelt thoughts and love to you. Wishing you and your family peace. ❤️
Thank you, Carol! It is a comfort to know that what happened that day isn’t forgotten.
Hi MC,
I think of you often, especially at this time of year. In many regards, it seems like yesterday when you let us know the horror of what happened to your beloved grandchild.
I hope you still get ‘signs’ from him and that in those you can find some degree of comfort.
Grief runs it own decided choice and, as you know, it is messy for its course is not a straight line nor does it have a designated end especially when it is a loss of a child.
How many of us forget that so many before us, throughout history, have lost children? Sometimes I think if all of us could ever get quiet enough we would surely hear the weeping of their loved ones and feel the agony of their losses – perhaps then, we could find peace here on Earth.
Until then, I send you a big bread hug, over the internet, brimming full of comfort and the gift of life for one more day
Thank you, Janet!
Somehow I don’t think the ones who kill will ever pay any attention to the weeping and wailing of bereft families. That’s why peace is elusive.
Merci for the bread hug! I love it.
I am so sorry for your loss. Wishing you and your family peace.
Thank you, Frank!
Yes, I think of Noah, still. My grandson is the age Noah would have been and I sadly imagine what might have been for Noah at times.
Thank you for remembering, Jan! It means a lot to me that Noah and his little classmates are not forgotten.
Of all the beautiful children lost that day, Noah has always been the one who has stuck with me most. It could be that his birthday is right before mine, and my son was also a first grader in 2012, but there was also something in his smile and in his dark eyes that connected with me immediately. I found your blog shortly after his passing, and I have followed it ever since. It is the closest I could get to meeting and knowing who Noah was and what he was like. We never met, of course, but I’ll always miss him.
Please accept my deepest condolences and extend them to Noah’s family. Today, I think of his sisters, especially his twin, as she prepares to graduate from high school and begin her adult life, just as my son will do this year.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and stories about Noah. It must be very difficult at times, but your posts have always helped me.
Thank you so much, Denise! Yes, Noah should be graduating next year and starting a new chapter in his life. We miss him so much. It means a lot to me that he has touched so many hearts in his short life. Wishing your own 17 year-old the very best now and in the future!
Dear MC.
Still remembering Noah. On my daughter’s birthday- same as his- and when I hear the deepening voices of 17 year olds’ banter as I walk amongst the students at the high school where I work. I know Noah is near you and with you. I hope you’re still seeing signs if his presence. Big hug.
Thank you, Julia! Yes, Noah is always with me. Sometimes I get a pang when I see a little boy with a full head of dark hair ahead of me in the street. But I also hear echoes of the 17-year old he would be today. Big hug back.