A few years back when we moved to the Pacific Northwest, I really thought we had come here to stay. We love the landscape, the food (especially the bread and the seafood), the people, the vibrancy of Seattle and Portland, the proximity to British Columbia, the islands, the ferries, the rainforest, the mountains, everything except maybe for the climate: summers are extraordinarily beautiful but the rainy season does tend to linger… Although, you know, even that isn’t entirely accurate: what we discovered about Seattle is that there is truth to the local adage that when you don’t like the weather, quite often you just have to wait an hour or so to be rewarded with unexpected bouts of glorious sunshine. But still, I’ll give you this: most of us don’t move to Seattle for the weather. However we would never have moved out because of it either and even as I write, I already look with longing at the greenness of it all: green trees, green bushes, green lawns (except in the dry season when they turn to yellow), green everything.
But see, we used to have kids in the area and we no longer do. They moved back to Northern California last summer. After several months of pondering, we decided to follow. Onwards to an environment of golden vistas and drought-resistant yards. It will be quite an adjustment, I am sure. But a happy one too. And as much as I love the Northwest, I’ll be glad for more sunny days and long walks on nearby beaches.
The house is sold. We found good homes for what we couldn’t take with us and packed the rest. All my baking stuff is already down in California (our son came up to help us pack and drove back with it), so that right now this baker’s only connection to bread is eating the loaves stored in the freezer, which is good but not as much fun as playing with dough! I have a couple of Meet the Bakers posts lined up but they will have to wait until we settle down again. New starters will need to be created, a different oven experimented with, local ingredients sourced and tried out. All this plus a visit to our other kids across the country next month is making for a busy start of summer with little computer time. So please bear with me if I don’t post much for a while… I’ll be back as soon as things quiet down a bit.
Also, if any of you are traveling to the south of France this summer, I’d like to point you towards a bakery which a friend of mine is opening this Saturday in Marseille: it is called Dame Farine (it means “Lady Flour” and it has no connection to this blog) and it is located 77 avenue de la Corse (more photos on facebook). Marie-Christine is an excellent baker and I can’t wait to visit her bakery myself. If you go, please say hi! to her for me and send me pictures of her bread!
Cara MC, ti auguro che il trasloco, la trsitezza per ciò che lasci e la gioia del nuovo che ti aspetta, siano quanto di meglio tu possa desiderare per il tuo futuro. Tu sei una gran bella persona ed io sono felice di averti conosciuta e dopo Seattle verrò a cercarti in California, perchè non è un addio ma soltanto una arrivederci. A presto Carissima MC, dalla Toscana un grande abbraccio, Anna
Thank you so much, Anna! You are so sweet…
Sending you the best vibes in the universe for a smooth move! I know you will be back in full swing soon, with plenty of nice stories and your perfect bread!
many hugs going your way!
Thank you, Sally! Not perfect, no, not by a long stretch but often tasty and always fun! And made for sharing. Which is what I like best. Hoping to see you on our shores one of these days!
Hi MC,
A busy adventure but fun too I am sure. I can't wait to read about all the new people you will meet that are connected to bread – your flour/grain sources etc.
Tough to leave old friends and familiar places but the new always beckons. I will be curious to read about how your starter handles the move – change in water especially. I assume the weather will be somewhat similar though maybe more sun in the summer????
My daughter and husband are flying over to Europe as I type this. THey will be in France for several days but not in the South otherwise I would pass on the information about your friend's bakery. At this point they are carrying proth5's notes on where to go while in Paris. SHe has a very thorough walking tour written up for travelers so I know my husband and daughter will be busy and tired by the end of their days :*)
Thanks for the update. It is nice to know you are on your way and soon will be settled in close to family once again.
Take Care,
Thank you Janet! I'll do my best. My starter is already in California but it has been dormant in a fridge for 6 weeks. No clue in what mood it will wake up. I might just start a new one. We'll see.
Hope your daughter and husband have a great trip. Don't hesitate to ask if they need more tips. I do hope their travels won't be impacted by the strikes…
All the best with your new chapter, MC. I don't post much, but always check in for a read of your excellent blog. And I'm still making your SD chocolate cake! Have made some little tweaks. as we bakers always seem to, but it has a quality unlike any other I've made.
Hi Ross,
Thanks for your kind words! If you have time to spare one day, I'd love to hear about your "little tweaks". I have a feeling I would love them too… 😉
All the best, MC
Good luck with the move. A big step, but I can understand your reasons very well. My daughter just got married and moves away to Tennessee. For me, living on the East coast, that feels as far away as Germany.
A cautionary tale, indeed! We've been considering the possibility of moving to be closer to children and grandchildren, but the prospect of multiple moves at this stage … yuck!
Anyway, MC, an anticipatory welcome to our parched part of the world. Bring water!
I hope your move goes well and you enjoy your new home. I'm looking forward to resumed posts and learning how you find California.
Warm regards,
Hello David, you are so right! Multiple moves are no fun. Hopefully this is the last one in a long time… Truth be told though, we are very much looking forward to our California experience and fully determined to make the most of it. Will keep you posted!
All the best,
Lots of great bakers & bakeries in N. Calif! If you haven't met them all by now, I'm sure you will soon 🙂
Moving is the best way to unclutter.
Good luck.
That is so true! Nothing like a move to make you realize sometimes stuff is just stuff…