Dan Barber -who is also the co-owner of of Blue Hill Restaurant and Blue Hill at Stone Barns in New York- just published The Third Plate: Field Notes on the Future of Food, a book which relies on personal experience and field stories to promote a way of eating that is focused on the environment and what it can sustainably produce.
I just started reading it and I am already hooked: Barber presents a fresh and compelling vision and I am excited at the prospect of a debate on his ideas.
Dan Barber will be one of the keynote speakers at the Grain Gathering in Mt Vernon, Washington, later this summer.
More info:
NYT – May 30, 2014: In the ‘Third Plate’, Dan Barber meets Food Pioneers.
Unfortunately I was unable to make it to the event. But Wendy Hebb of The Grain Gathering and The Bread Lab at Washington State University in Mt Vernon, Washington, kindly forwarded me the links to the audio recording of the evening and allowed me to post them. Thanks, Wendy!
You can either:
- Stream it at http://www.townhallseattle.org/dan-barber-the-future-of-sustainable-food/ or
- Download at https://s3.amazonaws.com/townhallseattle/20140603_Dan+Barber+with+Nancy+Leson+EDIT+.mp3 (right click the link and select Save As to download)
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