A quick update:
The cast was really bothering me and I knew I would end up utterly exhausted if I had to live with it until the post-op appointment in two-and-a-half weeks. So we called the hospital on our way to the city yesterday morning and left a message. Since we hadn’t heard back by the time my daily cancer treatment was over and it seemed silly to drive home only to come back later, we decided to go straight there.
I explained to the receptionist how the weight and bulk were starting to hurt my shoulder and I couldn’t even use a sling because the thickest part was located under my armpit and pressing painfully against my chest whenever I tried to hold my arm against my body. She called a nurse.
A few minutes later we were ushered into the cast room.
There we waited and waited. Medical staff came and went, all very kind and understanding but in the absence of my surgeon, nobody seemed to be in a position to decide what to do.
A young nurse finally said she would fit me with a sling and make sure I knew how to use it. I pointed out that I had been using a sling from the day I broke my wrist to the day of the surgery and that a new one wouldn’t solve the bulge problem. She seemed at a loss for ideas.
I then mused aloud that the post-op cast-maker had most likely been a man since the necessity of leaving room for a breast had clearly not entered his mind (I had still been under sedation and never saw who did it). The nurse murmured that she didn’t know about that, but by that time all the female patients in the room were chuckling, nodding and sharing their opinions of men (rather disparaging, I am sorry to report, although they took great pain to exclude my husband whom they all agreed seemed very helpful), and the staff knew surrender was the only option.
The surgeon was contacted and next thing I knew someone was slicing below my elbow with what looked like a crazed pizza cutter. Oh! The relief…
I am including these two pictures of Seattle parks because I feel very lucky to be receiving medical care in a city where there are so many places to rest both one’s mind and a broken wrist…
Once again, I have to commend you for the grace in which you approach every road block life seems to throw at you. When I grow up I want to be just like you. (i'm 44) Love and prayers as always…
Dear MC,
I love your wit, and perseverance! I began reading your blog because of Noah, but I look forward to hearing about you as well. I wish you good health!
I, too, started reading because of Noah, but have come to love hearing about everything in your life. Wishing you good health.
God Bless.
Peace and Love,
Burke VA
I am the lucky one who has been reading you for a long time 🙂
Loved the dialogue with the nurses and the bad mouthing of gentlemen, sparing the husband… oh that was good!
I hope you are feeling better now.
take care….
Take Care of Yourself, MC!
Amy C.
MC, I am so glad that you keep us updated on your progress. Seattle seems like a very beautiful place, green and calm. I hope your wrist heals fast and without further complications.
My arm pit is relieved on your behalf. That would have driven me quite crazy. Hopefully you will get some rest now!
Hope your cancer treatment is going well. Here is Dr. Joseph Mercola interview with Dr. Nicholas Gonzales. very interesting http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/04/23/dr-nicholas-gonzalez-on-alternative-cancer-treatments.aspx
You make me laugh. So funny and classy- all rolled up in you, beautiful lady!
I hope you are doing ok….
MC, I am sorry for your fall, I hope that you feel better soon. Thank you for the breathtaking photos of Washington State — it makes me want to visit the Pacific NW, soon. Continued best wishes and prayers for your continued good health.
Best regards,
Good news that you are more comfortable with the cast. I know it doesn't help to be told that other people go through this but I had a cast on an arm once upon a time while I was in hospital for a couple of months following an accident and I seem to recall they had to do something similar to mine as it was incredibly uncomfortable, they definitely don't take account of breasts! Sending love Jo
Don't ask why but all of the sudden felt compelled to hop online and jot down a few words. I just wanted to let you know that I have continued to follow your posts all these many months and that you are always in my thoughts. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that even though at times you may feel alone in your grief or throughout your treatment that there are so many of us out from varying parts of the globe that continue to keep you in our prayers. Much love to you and your family MC!
PS.Keep watching for the signs!
Take care MC! We miss your baking missives but we would rather you get well. Admiring your strength, Wee
Wow! So glad the agony of the cast is over! Still thinking of you & admiring your photos almost as much as I admire the way you look at life.
x Julia