I broke my left wrist during a hike in the mountains last Sunday. From what the surgeon said during the pre-op visit, the break goes through the joint and looks pretty nasty. He even had me sign a consent form allowing him to harvest bone elsewhere on my body in case I require a bone graft! Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. I have the x-rays but I don’t want to look at them. I prefer to think of the bones in my wrist snapping serenely back into place like the bridge that spans the ship canal in Seattle. That’s the image I will hold firmly in my mind as I go under.
A cast isn’t what I had in my mind for this summer, especially with several kids, grandkids and friends expected for nice long visits over the next few weeks. Plus it means I won’t be able to go back to bread-baking anytime soon. Bummer! I had just built a new levain and was looking forward to putting it to the test. If I still had ten fingers at my disposal, I would probably expand on the theme of life not being a long and quiet river but I find that pecking at the keyboard with one hand is not conducive to flights of inspiration. So you will be spared my disgruntled grumblings! That’s the silver lining…
Seriously though I am doing fine and I am already looking forward to having two arms again in a few weeks, probably by mid-September. The cast that will replace the post-op one next month might even allow me to use my fingers. Too bad the one I have on now doesn’t or I’d keep them tightly crossed!
MC, we truly have grown to love you. We love reading every word you write. (If it brings you any comfort or even a chuckle, my 71 year old father in law crashed my nephews crotch rocket
last summer in the driveway. The only question the PA had for him when he found out the story behind the open leg wound was "what the h— were you thinking?".) Good luck tomorrow. Let us know as soon as you can how you are doing.
Love, prayers and best wishes….
Oh MC, how frustrating for you! I do hope you aren't in too much pain and that your wrist will heal quickly and neatly. AnnieT.
I am sure you will heal quickly and will be back baking bread in no time! I will be thinking of you tomorrow, and eager to get news…
much love!
MC, I hope you heal quickly. I look forward to reading your blog everyday and sometimes I reread your old posts. I'm going to miss you for the next few weeks. I will keep looking everyday to see if you post anything. Hope you get better soon.
Oh no! I hope your recovery is quick & you can back to using both hands again soon. Big hug,
Julia xx
That is breaking news. May your surgery go quickly and without bone grafts. Hugs! Teresa
MC, all the best! You will be fine sooner than you can even imagine. Best wishes, always yours, Alex
Clever use of words! Good luck with your surgery!
Healing prayers for you, MC. I am so sorry this has happened, just when the baking was going to begin!!! I have followed your journey and love reading what you write, how you express yourself, and how you try to make US feel better. We'll miss you, but take care of yourself and heal thoroughly and quickly. A warm healing hug is all around you by so many who care. Marianne
Well at least they are not using vinegar and newspaper to set your wrist.. Hoping you can get back to Baking soon or you'll have to tell your guests how to use the levain..Best
So sorry this happened! Knowing you, there will be some positive lessons for everyone involved. You will be such a role model for the grandchildren…and there's no reason to stop blogging…just try voice recognition software! And surely you will find a way to keep the photography going. We're blessed to live in a world with adaptive technology.
Or find a lovely place to sit and let everyone wait on you!
I had to have both hands operated on last year(one 3 weeks after the other) and didn't want to give up on bread. I discovered batter breads! I used my KA mixer to mix, was able to tip the dough into the pan. I put the pan in the sink and the bowl tipped on its side on the counter above it. The texture was a bit different but it was still nice to have homemade breads. Maybe this would work for you. When life hands you lemons just make……bread.
Be well.
clazar123 from The Freshloaf
What a hassle! I hope you'll get better soon, and all goes well with the surgery!
All my best wishes,
Poor MC! I hope you recover fast!
Hi MC, So sorry for your fall and broken bones. I hope that you are on the mend and that your health steadily improves. I am sure your grandkids and family will be a big help over the next few months. p.s., thank you for the beautiful photos of the Pacific NW, the vegetation is quite lush.
Best regards,
I just saw this. I hope that your body heals quickly and that your flour and other good stuff doesn't miss you too much !!
Alan in Philadelphia area
Oh my! Definitely not a good thing. We've had some breaks and accidents in our family recently, so I've been treading very lightly indeed. Wishing you speedy healing!