My husband and I were in Washington yesterday marching against gun violence with our sister-in-law who lives in the DC area. The air was cold, the sky white. Signs abounded, many bearing the name of victims of the December 14th massacre in Newtown. We hadn’t thought of bringing our own, so we carried one that was handed to us. It had already had several bearers. We carried it a few blocks and passed it on to waiting hands. Behind the security fences that lined Constitution Avenue, men and women stood silently holding small placards which read: “I was shot” and displayed a name and a face: those of victims of gun violence whose murders never made the headlines…
The march was silent but some cars honked in sympathy and since traffic moved along slowly, we seemed to be walking in a tenuous tunnel of sound.
I looked at the faces around me, grave and resolute. I thought of the upcoming fight about gun control, of the seemingly gaping divide between gun enthusiasts and gun control advocates. Do we have to pick sides? Couldn’t we agree on the simple fact that as responsible citizens, we are all against gun violence, especially when it targets innocents? I remember reading that some of the Newtown victim families were and remain pro-gun. Whatever gun ownership means for these family members in practical terms, it is safe to assume that they are bleeding internally from the violence which took their kid, parent, spouse or sibling away. They too want to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Newtown didn’t choose to make headlines but now that it has, now that the whole country is grieving with the town, let’s find a common ground and build on it. Let’s make sure we move forward together, one step at a time.
Anonymous says
<3 MC
Anonymous says
CHOOSE LOVE from my family to yours.
Anonymous says
Completely agree with you! I have never felt so strongly about something in my life. This tragedy has really had an impact on me as a mother and teacher. Noah and his friends and teachers will never be forgotten.
Anonymous says
I agree with you I dont own a gun. I have two young boys and I'm scared to keep one in the house. I'm sorry for your loss. Noah was a beautiful child. Just know that he loved you so much and I'm sure whenever your name was brought up he smiled, you made him happy.
Anonymous says
I have just voluntarily surrendered the only firearm I own to police for destruction.
Lizzette Maldonado says
Thank you for doing that. Wish more people would do the same.
Anonymous says
The best thing you could do. A great example. Please encourage your friends & family to do the same.
Lisa Harper says
You rock! What a great thing to do.
Anonymous says
People walk around with the mindset that bad things only happen to other people, but look at the family in New Mexico, while the mother slept the son went into her closet n took the parents gun shot the mother while she slept then his 9 yr old brother then his two younger sisters killed them all shot them in the head, he waited for his father to come home n shot and killed him too, all this could have been avoided if they had either secured their gun or not kept one at all. When guns are an option people may use them SO LET US NOT ALLOW FOR GUNS TO BE AN OPTION! Sorry about your beautiful grandson MC nothing I could ever say or do will take your pain away, just know that every precious moment we have left on this earth brings us closer to the day we will have those we lost and love so much closer to the day we will hug them and embrace them and kiss them for eternity..
Sherri Tan says
My seventeen year old daughter had the opportunity to share her opinion on gun control in her senior class. I had no idea she knew how personal this had become to me through your family. She spoke of Noah. I told her how proud of her I am. I told her there are some with no opinion at all; and a person like her with heart and a strong voice might show them what is right through love….. you remain in my daily prayers. Sherri
Anonymous says
I wish I could have been there, but I was with you in heart, MC.
With Love,
Megan, Minnesota
Lizzette Maldonado says
I have been afraid of guns all my life. Even just looking at a pictute of one gives me a negative vibe. Have never touched one and never will. I wish I knew of any marches or anything going on in my area that I could attend. I am from Orlando, Fl and am willing to do whatever it takes to protect our children. We are faced with these monsters that don't qualify as human beings and we need to protect our children. I think of Noah every day since I saw his picture in the news. His smile touched my heart so deep that I feel an emptiness in my soul that won't go away. And, I am just a stranger. So I could not imagine what this family is going through. MC and Veronique, I wish you strength and although we have never met, I feel like we are family. We are all grieving for the same little angel. I cry every day for your loss. MC, thank you for sharing your beautiful grandson with us.
Anonymous says
Dear MC,
I am happy to hear news from you.
This tragedy has impact on many people in the world.
We want to be better, more attentive parents. We see that the loss of a child leaves gap, that nothing can fill in. We only can remember Noah & his clasmates, pray & hope that this was not in vain.
I also hope that 'gun likers' one day understand, that gun is not a toy. That using it leaves dead bodies of our beloved ones, grieving families and that we do not possess right to kill.
I keep fingers crossed for your efforts.
I miss your stories that made Noah a child of us all.
Find a peace, hugs Alex
Fedra Tucci (Italia) says
Ha proprio ragione Signora ed io che vivo in un paese dove non è mai esistito il II emendamento, dove per avere un'arma in casa c'è bisopgno di un porto d'armi regolarmente denunciato alla polizia e dove quasi nessuno possiede neanche una solo arma in casa, Le dico che la vostra è una battaglia di civiltà. Vi prego, coinvolgete l'Europa affinchè i capi di Stato vi aiutino e ascoltino il vostro grido di dolore. Secondo la mia cultura è assurda questa mancanza di sicurezza in un paese come gli Usa.
Coinvolgete il mondo della politica internazionale i capi di stato europei alcuni dei qualsi sono particolrmente sensibili a questi temi (penso ad Holland o al primo ministro Cameron che ha perso un bambino per un cancro). Se fosse possibile vorrei fare qualcosa in tal senso per voi. se solo riuscissi ad esservi utile… lo farei con tutto il cuore…. Ho vissuto una vita difficile ma Noah mi ha cambiata ancora una volta. Le scrivo tanti messaggi e a volte mi sembra di essere tanto invadente … mi scusi per questo. Io non so perchè sono tanto legata a Noah, anche se ho visto che tanti qui sono come me… certo avrei voluto non conoscervi affatto visto che questo è successo per una cosa così orribile , ma le devo dire che fin dal primo momento non c'è giorno in cui non penso a Noah e ai bambini uccisi insieme alle loro maestre. Vorrei che un giorno sua figlia specialmente ritrovasse un pò di serenità per il fatto di aver vinto una causa contro le armi in nome del suo meraviglioso bambino …Il dolore della perdita non si può evitare ma tanta sofferenza si può almeno "trasformare" in qualcosa di buono per l'umanità intera.Se posso fare qualcosa anche dal mio paese o nel mio paese o attraverso qualche istituzione italiana, mi suggerisca pure Signora MC sono disponibile…. Un abbraccio forte a Lei e sua figlia
lauren piccirillo says
I wish I could have marched right next to you. That sign says it all: life is more precious and important than the right for someone to own guns. The NYC Moms Against Guns march was last week…hope I can lead one in Staten Island in honor of beautiful angel Noah and the rest. I was excited to see this post today…I missed the Noah posts :). God Bless You Always. Noah is so proud of all of you. BTW-MC-I love your pom pom is so cute xoxoxoxoxo
David Aplin says
Hi MC, I support your actions, unconditionally. You're a brave person to march in a gathering that surely will have detractors. Glad that it was peaceful, respectful and not marred by kooks, or agent provocateurs.
Anonymous says
Hi MC,
We are all so glad to hear from you again. I own a gun, but since the Newtown slaughter, I have no desire to have it any more. The next time my county has a buyback, I am going to take it it and have it destroyed. The first sign says it all. I will gladly give it up on principle. I just hope that I can sway others. It is tough, but if I changed my mind, it can be done. It has to be done in a peaceful, non-confrontational way ala MLK JR.
God Bless you and your family and all of the victims.
Burke VA
Laura Fronckiewicz says
Good for you Eric.
Lisa Harper says
Eric you are a great role model for what we ought to inspire to. I hope people read this and follow your lead.
Anonymous says
Thank you both. I have yet to find a buyback; I am looking. 🙁 I don't think I can take it over state lines to get rid of it.
God Bless.
Peace and Love,
Burke VA
bflogal66 says
Hi MC,
I read an article by Lisa Belkin in the Huffington Post called "Gun Control is a Parenting Issue" right after the Newtown tragedy, and I will share a bit of it here…"So we can't just do as we did after Columbine, after Virginia Tech, after Aurora. We can't just grieve and hold our children close. We have to demand that our country earn the right to call itself a civilized nation. We need to do this because our central job as parents — maybe our only job, really — is to keep our children safe so they can grow up. Easy access to guns keeps us from doing that job." I couldn't agree with her more. You have shared so much with us, and now we need to step up as parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters and make gun control our issue. The most successful movements begin when people have had enough and realize that they must stand up and do the right thing. I have recently come into contact with some local folks and we are trying to figure out how we can make a difference where gun control is concerned. I will not let the deaths of Noah, his classmates and his teachers be in vain. I urge everyone else to find some way, in which they are comfortable, to get involved. Warmest regards, Liz
Anonymous says
Couldn't agree more. Hugs to you MC!!
bflogal66 says
Dear MC,
right after the Newtown tragedy I read an article in the Huffington Post by Lisa Belkin, "Gun Control is a Parenting Issue." I will share a bit of it here…."So we can't just do as we did after Columbine, after Virginia Tech, after Aurora. We can't just grieve and hold our children close. We have to demand that our country earn the right to call itself a civilized nation. We need to do this because our central job as parents — maybe our only job, really — is to keep our children safe so they can grow up. Easy access to guns keeps us from doing that job." I could not agree with her more. MC, you have shared a lot with us, and now we need to take these wonderful stories about Noah and use them as a reminder as to why we must push for gun control. Although I support the 2nd Amendment I firmly believe in the regulation of the types of firearms and ammunition that people may own along with strict background checks for all gun purchases. We as parents, grandparents and citizens of this country owe it to our children, Noah, his classmates, his teachers and all the others who have been victims of guns to do the right thing. Many of the most successful movements have begun as small pockets of protest. So, I ask everyone to please do what you can, and are comfortable with to make our nation safer. Warmest regards, Liz
eileen says
I wanted to go to the demonstration, and I congratulate you on your participating. It is not easy to take a position in this country, however, this is an absolute must. I have never felt so strongly about anything, in my life. I live in New York, and our Governor stated it succinctly, this should have been dealt with before this tragedy. We cannot afford to wait, as a civilied society, these weapons of destruction have to be removed, particularly from the mentally ill. I congratulate those individuals who have surrendered their firearms to police. Guns are not the answer, they are the problem.
Laura Fronckiewicz says
I'm glad you were able to make it. We marched in Denver and even had Mary Sherlach's sister in from Littleton and speaking. You are all brave. I wish I had an answer for why there is such a divide. From my seat, it is obvious but more work needs to be done to find a middle ground that will stop the massacres from the rampage weapons. I continue to contact my legislators every day and hope and pray rationality and reason will prevail.
Sherri Tan says
Veronique on the ED show
Sherri Tan says
MC, I just also sent a link to a video interview of Veronique, You need not post these in my name, I just thought it may be a link you would want to share with those that follow your blog. In my prayers………sherri
Veronique complete speach on gun control.
Anonymous says
Dear MC, I accidentally came across the profile of Ms. principal (who also lost her life on dec.14th)on tweeter, and there are some pictures taken in the school (in october, november 2012).
If I am not mistaken, there is also Noah on one or two pictures from November (I am not 100% sure as I have never met him, and all I have seen were pictures of him that you have shared with us on this blog).
I thought you might want to see them.
Hugs to you.
Anonymous says
MC, I just read the transcript from the meeting that took place on Monday. WOW. Noah was so lucky to have been surrounded by intelligent people who know how to speak in his name without showing their anger. My hat is off to Veronique. The strength it must take for her to speak so candidly and honestly without falling apart is just something I do not think I am equipped with. I want you all to know that this is a battle we are all in together. I truly believe that it has happened, it did happen and it WILL happen again. We do not know where or when, but it will happen again. I only hope that for all of these people who are so hell bent on protecting a "right" that the dangers of what they are trying to protect does not even exist, carry the faces of the Sandy Hook victims in their minds. I use to believe that in order to have a conscience you had to love. Now I believe that in order to love you must have a conscience. I am still praying that God can somehow lighten the hearts of your family, make the burden a little easier to carry. We will always love Noah.
Lizzette Maldonado says
Wow, you have expressed exactly how I feel for Veronique. Thank you for being able to write it in a way that I would never be able to. We are in this together. And we owe it to Noah and his classmates.
Anonymous says
Veronique is an amazing women. Her words are always so poignant (the apple does not fall far from the tree). I am not pro-gun nor am I anti-gun. I am pro children being able to go to first grade and not be murdered. Whatever that takes! A day has not gone by since that awful day that I have not thought of your beautiful grandson and cried. A day has not gone by since that I have not gotten a knot in the pit of my stomach whenever I look at my own little boy. What, in this life, is more important than our children? If both sides don’t come together I am afraid this tragedy will happen again. God help us!
Graham Jose says
First day of school for my son today; starting at the equivalent of your elementary schools here in Australia. Our idea of school security is a front gate with a standard child proof gate to prevent the children running out on the road. No locks, no metal detectors, no lockdown drills, no guards. The school premises and classrooms are open to all who care to approach, but we do have rules that keep people out when they shouldn't be there. This is the land of the free.
Get rid of your guns; reconsider the anachronism that is the second amendment written by people long dead and with no vision of the America of today. Reclaim the future for your children and your children's children. Your daughter has strength and courage that eclipses her opponents in the NRA who hide behind their assault weapons for their courage. My respect for her is boundless.
I am thinking of Noah and your family today and my prayers and love are with you all.
Graham Jose says
Letter recently written by ex-Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard (1996-2007) to the NY Times on enacting gun control laws in Australia and their impact. John Howard was a conservative like your Republicans.
The NRA will twist and distort the Australian crime and gun figures just like they do your own. Our society is not much different from yours and our culture is heavily influenced by yours. My family and I can walk freely in my country without risk of being shot.
Sandy Mccuan says
Still thinking of you and your family, and of course Noah. I will support gun control here in my city. My prayers are with you all.
Wendy healy says
Tacos tonight in the Healy house! We yell "tacos for Noah" My 2 year old says "god bless Noah" in his prayers before bed.
eileen says
I hope your family is ok, MC, I saw your daughter at the hearing in CT and on TV. Please know that we are still thinking of Noah and the children every day and praying for them.
I am a New Yorker, and I know that Veronique lived in Brooklyn (that is what I read). I so wish that she had stayed here, but I understand the appeal of suburban life. I would give anything to prevent what happened, this has really hit my heart in a deep place. Please know that we are thinking of you and your family and we will always cherish Noah's memory.
Anonymous says
Oh MC, how I hope there can really be a dialogue, that the NRA is prepared to face the reality in America today and start some change for the better. It is possible and however long it takes it will never be too late to make safely the priority. Like you say, one step at a time. Person by person and household by household. Those who are now giving up their guns- well done!
Anonymous says
You, Noah and the family are heavy on my my and heart today. Just wanted to send love and warm wishes.
Anonymous says
You will never keep your children safe.there will always be horrible people who do unspeakable acts.bats, hammers and fists kill more children than firearms sorry for peoples loss but with 4 million ar-15 rifles in america and only 4 have been used by psychos who copycat each other, how are they the problem?.it comes down to mental illness and personal responsibility not firearms. Banning firearms will work like prohibition and the war on drugs did ….IT WONT!
Anonymous says
We can not make parents more responsible for there possessions or there mentally and socially impaired children. If these guns are not in circulation then they can not get into the hands of the wrong person, such as in this case. I am quite sure that this mother would have fought to keep her rights as the gun owner to spite the fact she was an irresponsible owner and parent. When I hear people make comments as you have just made, I have to wonder which side of the fence you would be sitting on if you were the one walking in this family's shoes? Our children have the right to their lives PEORIOD. You really need to look at this through the eyes of those that were really affected. How do you think Arielle and Sophia feel?
MC, as always love to you and your family. I will never forget.
Anonymous says
You are entitled to your opinion, but you are wrong. We need to eliminate a lot of the arms and weapons in this country, because the sad fact is that they will wind up in the wrong hands, in the hands of the mentally insane or the criminals. I will not belabor this point, because it it not the forum for it. We are writing to commemorate the life of Noah Pozner and other children of Sandy Hook.
Please respect that and his grandmother's sentiments.
Lizzette Maldonado says
You might think we can't keep our children safe, but we, as parents and grandparents know that our job is to protect our children. Your comment was very disrespectful to this family and to any mother and grandmother that is in pain for thier loss. We, responsible parents are NOT just going to sit here and do nothing. We will do whatever it takes to protect our children, like MC says, we will move forward together, one step at a time!!!
My heart goes out to you MC and Veronique!
Anonymous says
This comment obviously doesn't belong on here as it is offensive to MC and her family. Please respect the opinions of this family. Most people on here feel strongly about doing something to make children safe. This comment serves no purpose as you are not going to convince people of your opinion. Peace and love to MC and family. Do not let people like this get you down. Do what you feel is right for you and your family and in Noah's memory. You have a ton of support from all over the world!
Anonymous says
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Noah. I agree completely that we must work for gun control. I would like to make a youtube video with music with photos of Noah from this blog to honor his memory. Can I have your permission to use them? Please let me know. Thank you.
Anonymous says
Someone has done a beautiful video of Noah on youtube. It has the song Hello, Goodbye sang by Michael W. Smith playing in the background with text from Veronique throughout. If you are like me, I visit many places to see Noah always "just one more time". My heart is broken. This has absolutely been a life altering event for me. I have grown to carry this child and his family in my heart. Love and peace to everyone. We just need so much more love in this so broken world.
Anonymous says
I'd like to take the gun discussion offline from here so we can allow MC to continue to honor Bread and Noah in her blog. Join me @antigunnut on Twitter where I will do my small bit to take the fight to the NRA.
Love, prayers and blessings to MC and Veronique, their siblings, children, grand children, family and friends…and Noah.