Europain 2010 – which can be described as an international bread fair or bread festival – took place the week I was in Paris. Since I was very busy with my Mom, I couldn’t attend any of the events but I did sneak in one afternoon with a friend. We tasted a lot of different breads (including some from mixes which were amazingly good) and I couldn’t resist taking a few pictures:
Well, we didn't meet there! I was around on March 6 and 7 in the morning.
Guess what, I met Flo! I never met her before, I've just seen the photo on her site … but when I saw a woman asking so many things about sourdough to a baker, I said – it must be her!
Must be a great expo to visit…may be I can go there one day.
Those " cheeses " are excellent. What can I say…I love cheese, I love bread, why should not have 2 in 1 🙂
I must found out how they were made!
Thanks for keeping us informed and for all the info on your site!
Hi !
The croissants weren't made by an apprentice but by the French candidate of the Masters de la boulangerie !!! He's far from being an apprentice (lucky guy…)
Nice pictures MC !
@Giovanni, sorry I missed you but I had so little time! It's great that you met Flo…
@Julian, I too would love to know how to make such realistic cheese out of bread!
@Marie-Christine, I changed the post accordingly. Yes, the "croissants" were too amazingly light to be anything but the work of a champion. Thank you!