Autoflex mixer
Online Tools
- Calcmasa (El Foro del Pan): dough formula calculator
- Flour amounts conversion calculator (Traditional Oven): from volume to weight
- Yeast calculator (A Bread Education)
On Fermentation
- Lactic acid fermentation in sourdough, by Debra Link
- Bread aromas and health benefits of levain, by Bob Low
- The life of a sourdough, by Didier Rosada
On Baking Cakes
On Pre-ferments
- Your Guide to Preferments, by Didier Rosada
- In Search of the Perfect Loaf: A Home Baker’s Odyssey by Sam Fromartz
- How to make bread by Emmanuel Hadjiandreou: errata
Classes, Workshops & Demos
- All About Ciabatta: a class with Didier Rosada
- Baking with natural starters: a bread workshop in Victoria, BC
- Jeffrey Hamelman: Baking with Locally Grown Grains
- Learning about bread with Gérard Rubaud
- Lessons from Bread Artisan Chad Robertson (Food & Wine) – no video
- Scott Mangold: Test-baking with Local Flours (Kneading Conference West 2012)
- Whidbey Bread: Whole Grains for the Home Baker, a Bread Lab Workshop
- L’Atelier du Pain (Bread Workshop) Serie – San Francisco Baking Institute (Sep. 2016)
- The Grain Gathering (and Kneading Conference West)
- WheatStalk 2012
External videos
Alex Croquet
- Les Croissants (in French)
Amy Scherber
Andrew Whitley
Anonymous (?)
- Histoire du pain (no words, just a beautiful story with music)
Chad Robertson
- Breaking Bread (sponsored by Breville)
- Making Bread
- Master Class at Meyer Madhus (Denmark)
- New bread, ancient grains (a New Yorker video)
- Tartine Bread (4SP Film)
Ciril Hitz
- Autolyse
- Bagels
- Baguette Shaping
- Brioche a true classic
- Ciabatta
- Fougasse
- Miche
- Rye bread
- Stenciling on your bread
David Turecamo
El Club del Pan (with Didier Rosada)
*In Spanish, but entirely worth watching even if you don’t speak the language
- Dough division (with subtitles)
- How to dust with flour (with subtitles)
- How to score a baguette
- Mixing by hand
- Mixing in a mixer
- Pre-shaping (with subtitles)
- Resting time (with subtitles)
- Shaping a couronne bordelaise
- Shaping a fougasse
- Shaping a pain auvergnat
- Shaping a pain Charleston
- Shaping a pain fendu
- Shaping a tabatière
- Shaping a tordu double
- Shaping a triangular bread
- Shaping an épi
- Shaping bread as a cross
- Shaping bread in the shape of a flower
El Club del Pan (with Juan Manuel Martínez)
*In Spanish, with English subtitles
French Pastry School
Joaquín Llarás
King Arthur Flour
Lionel Vatinet
Mark Sinclair
Nicolas Supiot
- La passion du pain by Matthieu Marin (in French)
Northwest Sourdough
- Making your own sourdough starter (a day by day tutorial)
Peter Reinhart
- Peter Reinhart on bread : baking with whole grains – the epoxy method
Richard Bertinet
San Francisco Baking Institute
- Bread videos (including high-hydration dough shaping)
Vincent Tallieu
- Easy bread (an excellent video to watch if you are just starting to make your own bread)
- How I make croissants by Vincent Tallieu
- The Woodhouse Loaf by Vincent Tallieu (with kefir levain)
- Vincent shaping ciabatta by Vincent Tallieu
Wild Yeast

Bread display at The Bikery in London