Ask the Baker: Gérard Rubaud
Meet the Baker: Gérard Rubaud
Revisiting Gérard Rubaud
Gérard Rubaud: The Never-Ending Quest
Gérard Rubaud: The Movie (October 2011)
Baguette/batard shaping: Gérard’s method
Building a levain à la Gérard: step 1
Building a levain à la Gérard: step 2 & 3…
Gérard Rubaud on working the levain
Troubleshooting dough hydration: a trick “à la Gérard”
Gérard Rubaud and the Three-Speed Levain
Gérard Rubaud’s Apprenticeship Program (revised)
Gérard Rubaud’s Apprentice Loaf